New Beginnings - Yours could start today!

Whenever we begin a new phase in our life, the transformation we experience requires some stretching on our part. We can long for years for a new relationship, a child, a new career, and yet when it finally arrives, that is often when our growth spurt begins.

In order to shed our old identity, we must come face-to-face with our old patterns and behaviors and be willing to choose something new - even if it means a giant leap out of our comfort zones.

I discovered this firsthand as Darrin and I welcomed our beautiful baby girl, Ruby Cecelia, into our lives in July. Since then, I’ve had to summon all my resilience to keep up with the demands of caring for a newborn. And yet, the reward has been a capacity to love another human being with more intensity and tenderness than I could ever have imagined.

Is this a time in your life when you are ready to call in more love – a love that stretches your heart beyond anything you have experienced in your past?

If you answered YES, there are resources available to you! My new audio course, "How to Attract Love into Your Life," on the Insight Timer meditation app, is over 1,000 students strong now. In just 10 short audio sessions, you'll discover how to shift your old patterns, get clear on the partnership you most desire, and date in a targeted way for your sacred partner. It's an amazing value at just $5.

And now you can also get face-to-face support! This Sunday, I will be hosting a FREE group call via Zoom video online, where you can ask for guidance with anything coming up for you in dating and relationships. I will also be leading a group meditation and visualization. These calls essentially function as mastermind groups for love – and those are notorious for bringing happy results in quickly because of the momentum the group gains.

As soon as you register, you'll be sent the link for the call on Sunday, and afterwards, you'll receive a video recording.

The call will be this Sunday, 11-11, at 11 AM (PST). How is that for an auspicious day and time!

Register here to reserve your spot.

Looking forward to supporting your journey to the great love that you so deeply deserve!

Love and light,


Christina McMahon is a writer, energy healer counselor, and meditation teacher. Her passion is supporting others to open up their hearts to the sacred partnership they desire and deserve. When you subscribe to her blog, you'll receive a free video training series, “The Sacred Love Sequence: A Step-by-Step Guide to Calling in Your Sacred Partner.”

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