Think love will "never" happen for you?? Here's why that's never true…


I love "I TOLD YOU SO" stories about love! 

The kind of love stories that are improbable, where hardly anyone else believes a particular person could ever find love – and then they do.

I recently read a juicy one in Kent Nerburn's book, Small Graces.

(Make sure to read until the end — this story will blow your mind!)

Kent had a friend named Nikki, who had a hearty laugh and a zest for life that was pure magic.

Nikki also had debilitating cerebral palsy. Her body was twisted up, she drooled when she spoke, and her speech was nearly unintelligible. Because she had limited use of her arms and hands, she had to use her toes to put objects in bags at the workshop job she held.

But Nikki dreamed of love. Every night, she would compose love poems, with her toes, to a soulmate she longed for, whom she believed in with her whole heart and spirit. Nikki was manifesting.


But whenever she confided this to Kent, he turned away with a polite smile. Even his own adoration for Nikki couldn't convince him that love was in her stars.

By imagining that Nikki was excluded from love because of her differently abled body, Kent was exercising limited thinking. Nikki was not.

Months later, she proved him wrong. When Kent chanced upon Nikki in her wheelchair on the street, she flashed a dazzling diamond engagement ring at him.

The inevitable "I TOLD YOU SO" was accompanied by her trademark hearty laughter.

Nikki's love poems and rock-solid belief in herself had summoned a wonderful man to her – a fellow worker at the workshop who had fallen madly in love with her.

Nikki showed Kent the power of intention. Her inspiring love story prompted him to coin a powerful prescription for happiness in life: "To know the shape our dreams can take, and to set our course toward them."

As Kent explains, Nikki knew not to pin her hopes on a body that could one day walk and dance freely – that was not a likely possibility for her in this lifetime.

But love was a possibility. In her wisdom, Nikki knew this.

And that's the thing about love. It's always possible for us, for anyone. Love is a shape that our dreams can always take.


The only thing that limits us with love is what we believe is possible for us (or not).

If you currently believe that love will "never" happen for you, it's not your fault, dear one. Most likely, it's a false notion you picked up at a tender age, when you were too young and innocent to know that you could believe anything different.

If so, I hope that Nikki's love story is a step towards making you a believer.

Because now, your wise adult self can course-correct. You can follow Kent's prescription and set that hopeful course toward your own dreams for love. That is truly the first step in calling love to you.

But there is a second step too – staying the course. That is what I have seen in my five years of love coaching. My clients and I have designed their own powerful course toward love, and they have stayed on that course, even after our work together came to a close.

And then, inevitably, the text or email comes in: "Christina, they're here! I found my sacred partner!"

The timing is different for everyone, because that's how divine timing works.

But I'm telling you this: if you stay true to your intention for love, and if you set that hopeful course by taking inspired action toward it, and if you stay that course even in the face of disappointment, you will find your own divine love match, just like Nikki did.

My money's on you.

Christina McMahon is a love coach and certified somatic counselor. Over the past seven years, she has helped hundreds of conscious singles remove inner barriers to love and step into the love life they desire and deserve.

 Schedule your free consult call with Celeste, Christina’s Client Care Specialist and discover if love coaching is the right path to your Big Love.

To read Nikki's full story, check out the chapter, "Why Birds Fly", in Kent Nerburn's book, Small Graces: The Quiet Gifts of Everyday Life.