What the Psychic Didn't See about my Future with Love


Last month, Darrin and I celebrated our 5-year wedding anniversary, and six loving and harmonious years together.

We were never supposed to make it this far – at least according to a psychic I consulted back when I was still single.

At the time, the psychic told me I would have one big love in my life but it would only last five years. She said the marriage would spiral into pain and unhappiness, just like my parents' marriage had, and that eventually I would make the decision to leave.

That news would have crushed me no matter whose mouth it came out of. But this wasn't just any psychic. This woman had name recognition. She was featured in a best-selling book that had deeply influenced how I thought about love.

And here she was, sitting right in front of me, predicting only misery and divorce for my life.

At first, I felt red-hot anger toward that psychic. I worried she had planted fear in me that might cause me to self-sabotage a good relationship at the 5-year mark.

Now I bless her. Her disturbing prophecy was a gift in disguise. Ultimately, it helped shape my path to passionate, lasting soulmate love with Darrin.


Here's the thing about psychics and intuitives. The gifted ones can be eerily accurate when describing your past (and mine was).

But when a psychic (or anyone else) tries to predict your future, they can never be totally accurate.

That's because they are just seeing one of many tendencies within you. And each of those tendencies will open up very different doors to your future life – depending on which ones you follow.

What's more, the specific tendency that a psychic or intuitive will pick up on for you is profoundly determined by their own life experience. My friend Dina Proctor told me that it's like radio waves. If an intuitive is not tuned into a higher frequency, all she will see are the lower vibrational potentials for your life.

The psychic I consulted had a traumatic past with love. She was a survivor who had fled an abusive marriage and courageously built a new life for herself.

Her unhappy prediction for my future marriage certainly reflected the troubled waters of her own.

But more importantly, she mirrored back to me a dark fear I had harbored deep inside but had never spoken out loud. This was the fear of repeating my parents' own loveless marriage, which had filled my younger years with sadness and confusion about what being married truly meant.

This was the psychic's greatest gift to me. By bringing my worst fear about partnership into the light, she allowed me to see it.

And when I saw it, I could shift it. I could choose “not" to allow that particular tendency within me to manifest as my fate with love.


After the psychic's prophecy, I hurled myself into personal growth work like never before.

I doubled down on my intentionality for soulmate love. I read books and listened to meditations that helped me expand my heart and heal my self-worth issues, so I could step into the belief that I could have a spectacularly higher love than what I had witnessed as a child.

I did online coaching programs about love and even hired a relationship coach.

All of this soul work helped me to activate my highest potential for love, which opened the door to a miraculous marriage with Darrin, and a love that deepens with each passing year.


It also helped me become the love coach and counselor I am today – a life path that has ushered even more blessings and happiness into my life.

So thank you, dear psychic. You helped me get here.

And perhaps you, dear reader, have heard someone say that you'll never get the true love you are seeking.

Maybe this wasn't even a psychic, but a doubting parent, sibling, friend, or ex.

Maybe the naysayer is actually a critical voice that lives inside of you (And those inner critics are usually just echoing what we have heard from other people in our lives).

Whoever you are hearing that troubling prophecy from, don't believe it. They can't see all of your potential for love.

They’re just seeing one particular tendency – and that tendency may have more to do with their life journey than yours.

And if their discouraging words have uncovered a fear about love that has been buried deep inside of you, let that be your stepping stone to deeper healing within and an even bigger commitment to the love you desire and deserve.

They may be doing you the biggest favor of your life.

If this is your moment to double-down on your intentionality for love, check out my life-changing one-on-one offering, the 5-Day Healing Journey for Love, designed to support fast breakthroughs with love.

Schedule your free consult call with Celeste, Christina’s Client Care Specialist and discover if love coaching is the right path to your Big Love.

Christina McMahon is a love coach and certified somatic counselor. Over the past seven years, she has helped hundreds of conscious singles remove inner barriers to love and step into the love life they desire and deserve.