Your Karma is Sacred Love

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Ready for a good love story? 

The kind that makes you believe in love all over again?

Jordana Reim is one of the many clients who have done one-on-one work with me and found their sacred partner.

This week, I’m featuring Jordana’s story of all the twists and turns she took to find deeper self-love and ultimately, her sacred partner, Mylo, in Thailand.

Jordana and Mylo’s love story is featured on a recent episode of House Hunters International.

Here’s their story now, in Jordana’s own words.

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Your Karma is Sacred Love

by Jordana Reim


Timing is always divine, but we tend to only see it like that when it feels like “good” or synchronistic timing. 

In 2018, after four years of being single, a copious amount of self-work and personal growth (courses, master courses, books, even letting go of the biggest ego-pleaser - my fancy career in advertising), I felt ready for “Sacred Love.” 

I did all that I knew to get myself aligned with it, including 1-1 coaching with Christina McMahon for several months. That work helped me to create space in my life for sacred love, and treat myself with greater love and care. 

And then divine timing kicked in as I assumed it would - I had two men courting me who were “ready” for Sacred Love. After a few dates with each, I felt my fairytale unfolding strongly with one of them and from that moment, we couldn’t get enough of each other.

Until my truth came out. 

In the same conversation where we spoke about our futures and families, I found myself also asking for an open relationship. I wasn’t ready to commit. It ruined us and sent me plummeting into despair.

I questioned: “Do I even know myself anymore?” And: “Am I really not ready for commitment?”

So I renewed my commitment to myself. At that time, I was beginning a new career path in a new country and didn’t feel self-assured, despite loving the choices I’d made.

For the next year, I immersed myself in learning and loving in the experiences I wanted to have. This took me to guide a group to the basecamp of Mount Everest, on an ayahuasca journey in Peru, and living in a monastery in Nepal for 30 days. 

A lot of people ask me what the most “life-changing” adventure was for me. The truest transformation for me was in studying Buddha dharma. 

In the most modest of places I found great surrender and contentment. My mind was steeped in the delicacies of the Four Noble Truths and the workings of karma and karmic appearances.

It was in the monastery that I began to understand that the timing of when a karmic seed ripens isn’t up to me. And it was in 10 days of Mahayana precepts (which included 23 hours of fasting), that I became intimate with patience.

In 2020, I was ready to start dating again. I was living on the island of Koh Phangan in the Gulf of Thailand. In five months of living in this island paradise, I met many Peter Pans, tantric masters and free-loving spirits, none of whom interested me.

I decided I would go to the city of Chiang Mai, where I thought there would be a more globally-minded community and people who were up to something they were passionate about (something I value highly!).

Internally, I decided it would be in Chiang Mai where I could unite with my Sacred Love. 

Two days before my flight, I gathered with two friends at one of my favorite vegan spots, Karma Cafe, for a goodbye-for-now dinner.

I noticed a tall handsome man and we made small talk before my friends arrived for dinner. My friends were quite boisterous and, Mylo, sitting alone, welcomed their invitation to join our table.

One of my friends was having second thoughts about storing my things while I was away and that’s when Mylo offered his 2nd bedroom as a storage unit for me. I took him up on the offer, mostly because I wanted an excuse to see him again. There was something karmic about it all…

My girlfriend changed her mind again and said she’d take my things, but I still wanted to see Mylo so I decided to leave my things with him. Our connection the next day was stronger than the night before and we made a plan to go for a swim before I had to catch my flight to Chiang Mai. 

Amidst the scenery that inspired Leonardo DiCaprio’s movie, The Beach, we met for a 30-minute swim where he asked to kiss me. 

Mylo was confident, kind, and passionate. Although he had just come out of a relationship, a red flag for anyone I told, he was grounded and enthusiastic about growing. The “risk” of trying with him didn’t feel risky to me. 

I laughed at the “divine timing” of leaving the island. This man was special. 

Five weeks later, Mylo flew up to Chiang Mai and we had our second date. We were already in love and decided to succeed or fail quickly. We moved in together that day.

After one month of the city life and trial by fire together, we returned to his home on the island where I’d left my things some two months ago. We’ve been living and growing together ever since.

On a FaceTime call, my mom asked me, “are you so much happier now?” 

The question prompted reflection. I was happy before Mylo and I’m happy with Mylo. It’s a different kind of happiness and one isn’t better than another.

I see these paths as different ways in which I get to grow and understand life. In this way, if our relationship doesn’t work out, it’s okay.

I’ve never felt more at home with someone than I do today. That someone is Mylo, and it’s also me. I’m not wondering about who else is out there.

Actually, I know there are many wonderful people to meet and to love. I spend my time growing my capacity to connect, to understand and to find grace in the challenges of conscious partnership.

Through this, Mylo and I share our dreams and, one step at a time, make these dreams our reality. 

*Jordana and Mylo’s story appeared on an episode of House Hunters International called “Meditation Madness in Thailand.”

A note from Christina: If you are ready for your own love story to begin, Schedule your free consult call with Celeste, Christina’s Client Care Specialist and discover if love coaching is the right path to your Big Love.

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About Jordana

Jordana Reim has dedicated her life to expanding consciousness - her own, her community’s, and humanity’s.  She has spent the last decade refining her personal practice through travels and residencies at some of the most sacred and beautiful places on Earth including the islands of Thailand, ashrams of India and the Himalayas of Nepal and Bhutan.

An author, meditation guide and co-founder of the online mindfulness platform Jordana works with individuals and organizations to build healthy mental and emotional hygiene habits. The New-Jersey native connects with hundreds of people from around the world through her online programs. Her original meditations have been streamed over 500,000 times. 

A “recovering-type-A-overachiever,” Jordana understands high-stress “go” lifestyles. In her previous career, Reim was an award-winning producer of advertising on New York City’s storied Madison Ave. Her teachings seamlessly bridge the gap between ancient practice and modern day mindsets.